Nr. 6 Veterans Day the Hague
The Dutch Veterans Day is an event where Dutch veterans are being honoured and rewarded. People take the day to think about the effort that the Dutch military has put into past and current peacekeeping missions. The day consists of a national march for the king and a big gathering at the Malieveld. The day is accompanied by the music of well-known soloists!
The Dutch Veteran Day is a day where the history of the Dutch Veterans is central. It is a day where special memories and stories are being shared accompanied by music and where people can share their experiences. Are you someone that wants to share their experience or would you like to learn more about this part of Dutch history than place a call or create an interest group to find people that share the same interest as you!
- Visitors: 75.000
- District: Centrum
- Entrance fee: Free
- Website:

Events Veterans Day Den Haag
Groups Veterans Day Den Haag
What else can I do during Veterans Day?
Ofcourse it is extremely fun to visit the Veterans Day as a guest. However, maybe meeting to you means doing something worthy for the neighbourhood? Think of voluntary work in neighbourhoods, with children or during the event. During Veterans Day there are different voluntary jobs. so take a look at the list below and maybe you will find something that fits you!
- Together with vrijwilligers
- Together with the neighbourhood
- Together with organisations