Nr. 5 Liberation Festival The Hague

The Liberation Festival was founded back in 1980 to celebrate the end of the Second World War and, because of that, the liberation of the Netherlands. Since 1994, the festival is being held in every province of the country and, therefore, in The Hague as well! Every year, various artists perform on the stages of the festivals which is for young and old! This festival is the perfect event to celebrate life while meeting new people!

The Liberation Festival in The Hague is the place to celebrate freedom, happiness and community feelings. Place a call or create an interest group to celebrate this day with someone new!

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Events Liberation Festival Den Haag

Groups Liberation Festival Den Haag

Calls Liberation Festival Den Haag

What else can I do during the Liberation Festival in The Hague? 

Of course, it is extremely fun to visit Kingsday as a guest. However, maybe meeting to you means doing something worthy for the neighbourhood? Think of voluntary work in neighbourhoods, with children or during the event. During Kingsday there are different voluntary jobs. so take a look at the list below and maybe you will find something that fits you!

  • Together with volunteers
  • Together with the neighbourhood
  • Together with organisations
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